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Armageddon Medicine Instruction Manual
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Armageddon Medicine
- What you will find hereThis web site is devoted to empowering you, the reader, to care for your loved ones and yourself when there’s no other choice. Thank you for visiting and may God bless you richly in 2016 and beyond. – Doc Cindy … Continue reading →
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The Practical Prepper – Book Review
The Practical Prepper A Common-Sense Guide to Preparing for Emergencies Book Review, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD, www.armageddonmedicine.net Did you ever wish you could find a single book with common-sense prepping advice you could actually implement? The Practical Prepper is … Continue reading →
Dem Bones . . . I love this free ap!
Recently I came upon a wonderful free medical ap, namely the Visible Body, Human Anatomy Atlas. I wish such a great tool had been available in my medical school days, but it’s never too late. The Skeletal System section of … Continue reading →
What a find! Don’t miss this FREE BOOK!
Sound like an advertising blitz? Well, it isn’t. Recently I ordered some books to use in conjunction with my Survival Medicine classes. Among them is Practical Plastic Surgery for Nonsurgeons by Nadine Semer, MD. When including her book as a … Continue reading →
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Autographed Book and FREE Bonus
*** SPECIAL OFFER: FREE DVD – BASIC SUTURING with Doc Cindy CLICK HERE Autographed book Armageddon Medicine, How to Be Your own Doctor in 2012 and Beyond Plus FREE CD of your choice . . .
Posted in Acute diseases, Armageddon Medicine, Books, Bookshelf, Current Offers, Diseases, Education, Equipment, Expired meds, Herbal medicine, Injuries, Medical Supplies - see Supplies, Medical testing, Medications, Preparation, Site Map, SPECIAL OFFERS, Supplies - Medical, Symptoms, Welcome, Welcome to Armageddon Medicine
Cute video on 101 Ways to Save Money on Health Care
I’d forgotten about this video but thought you all might enjoy it. Sound effects provided by yours truly, on helium. – Doc Cindy
Posted in 101 Ways / Health Care, Books, Bookshelf, Perennial Favorites, Slide show
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Table of Contents – Armageddon Medicine
Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Preface – the Four Phases of Medical Armageddon SECTION ONE – THE BASICS … Continue reading →
Posted in Abdominal pain, Acetaminophen - Tylenol, Acne, Acne, Acute diseases, Advair, albuterol, Albuterol-Ventolin-Proventil, Allergic, Allergies, Angina, Ankle sprain, Anthrax, Anthrax, Anti-viral meds, Antibacterial topical, Antibiotics, Antidepressants, Anxiety, Anxiety, acute, Armageddon Medicine, Armour thyroid, Arthritis, Aspirin, Asthma, Asthma and COPD, Asthma medications, Asthma/COPD, Atrial fibrillation, Bacitracin, Back sprain, Benadryl - diphenhydramine, Bioterrorism, Bites-animal, Bites-human, Bites-insect-bug-tick, Blood pressure meds, Blood tests, Bloody urine, Bonine - meclizine, Books, Bookshelf, Broken bones-see fractures, Bronchitis, Caffeine, Celebrex, Chest pain, Chicken pox, Chlamydia, Chlorhexidine oral rinse, chlorpheniramine, Cholera, Chronic bronchitis, Chronic diseases, Claritin - loratadine, Colloidal silver, Common cold, Congestive heart failure, Constipation, Constipation, Constipation, COPD, COPD see Asthma, Cough, Death and dying, Dehydration, Delivery, Depression, Depression, Diabetes Mellitus Type I, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Diarrhea, Diarrhea, Diclofenac, Difficulty urinating, Disaster Relief, Diseases, Dizziness, Dramamine - meclizine, Dry skin, Ear infection, Earache, Education, Emphysema, Equipment, Exercise-induced, Expired medications, Expired meds, Eye infection, Fatigue, Fever, Fish antibiotics, Flank pain, Fractures, Frequent urination, Gallstones, GERD / Acid reflux, GI-gastrointestinal, Gonorrhea, Grief, Head lice, Heart disease, Heartburn/stomach acid, Herbal and complementary, Herbal medicine, Herpes, High blood pressure, Home birth, HPV, Humira, Hydrogen peroxide, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Ibuprofen, Ibuprofen, Immunization, Influenza, Injuries, Insect-bug-tick bites, Insulin, Kidney stone, Labor, Lacerations, Laryngitis, levothyroxine, Lice, Lice treatments, Lidocaine, Lung disease, Lyme disease, Meclizine, Medical Kit, Medical Supplies - see Supplies, Medical testing, Medications, Mental health, Microscope, Microscopic examination, Migraine, Mild, Moderate-Severe, Naproxen, Naproxen (Aleve), Nausea, NSAIDs, Nuclear radiation exposure, Nutrition, OTC Antihistamines, OTC Decongestants, OTC inhalers, OTC Nausea/vomiting meds, OTC NSAIDs, OTC Pain meds, Over-the-counter meds, Pain, Peak flow meter, Pink eye, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Potassium Iodide KI, Power supply, Power supply, Pregnancy, Preparation, Prescription Medications, Primatene, Primatene mist, Public health, Rabies, Radiation - nuclear, Rapid heart rate, Rash, Rheumatoid arthritis, Shelf life, Shortness of breath, Silver sulfadiazine, Singulair, Skin, Skin infection, Slide show, Smallpox, Sore mouth or gums, Sore throat, Spiritual health, Sprains, STD, Stockpiling medical supplies, Stockpiling medications, Stomach flu, Stomach problems, Strep throat, Stress, Sudafed-PE - phenylephrine, Sudafed-pseudoephedrine, Supplies - Medical, Swelling, Symptoms, Synthroid, Syphilis, Syphilis, T3 and T4, Tamiflu, Teeth, Thrush, Thyroid, Thyroid cancer, Thyroid disease, Thyroid preparations, Thyroid tests, Tick-borne illness, Toothache, Toothache, Trench mouth, Triple antibiotic ointment, TSH, Ulcer, Urinary tract infection, Vaccination, Veterinary, Vicks, Volunteering, Vomiting, Vomiting, Waste disposal, Water, Weight gain, Weight loss, Wrist sprain, Yeast infection, Zyrtec - cetirizine
Tagged Aphthous ulcer, Conditions and Diseases, Health, Human gastrointestinal tract, Infection, Medicine, Mouth ulcer, Stress
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Armageddon Medicine – What’s in the book?
Posted in Abdominal pain, Acetaminophen - Tylenol, Acne, Acne, Acute diseases, Advair, Albuterol-Ventolin-Proventil, Allergic, Allergies, Allergy testing, Anger, Angina, Ankle sprain, Anthrax, Anthrax, Anti-viral meds, Antibacterial topical, Antibiotics, Antidepressants, Anxiety, Anxiety, acute, Armageddon Medicine, Armour thyroid, Arthritis, Aspirin, Asthma, Asthma and COPD, Asthma/COPD, Atrial fibrillation, Bacitracin, Back sprain, Benadryl - diphenhydramine, Bioterrorism, Bites-animal, Bites-insect-bug-tick, Blood pressure meds, Blood tests, Bloody urine, Bonine - meclizine, Books, Bookshelf, Bronchitis, Caffeine, Celebrex, Chest pain, Chicken pox, Chlamydia, chlorpheniramine, Cholera, Chronic bronchitis, Chronic diseases, Claritin - loratadine, Colloidal silver, Common cold, Congestive heart failure, Constipation, Constipation, Constipation, COPD, COPD see Asthma, Cough, Current Offers, Death and dying, Dehydration, Delivery, Depression, Depression, Diabetes Mellitus Type I, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Diarrhea, Diarrhea, Difficulty urinating, Diseases, Dizziness, Dramamine - meclizine, Dry skin, Ear infection, Earache, Emphysema, Equipment, Exercise-induced, Expired medications, Expired meds, Eye infection, Fatigue, Fever, Fish antibiotics, Flank pain, Fractures, Frequent urination, Gallstones, GERD / Acid reflux, GI-gastrointestinal, Gonorrhea, Grief, Head lice, Heart disease, Heartburn/stomach acid, Herbal and complementary, Herbal medicine, Herpes, High blood pressure, Home birth, HPV, Hydrogen peroxide, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Ibuprofen, Immunization, Influenza, Insect-bug-tick bites, Insulin, Kidney stone, Labor, Lacerations, Laryngitis, levothyroxine, Lice, Lice treatments, Lidocaine, Lung disease, Lyme disease, Meclizine, Medications, Mental health, Microscope, Microscopic examination, Migraine, Mild, Moderate-Severe, Naproxen, Naproxen (Aleve), Nausea, Newborn care, NSAIDs, Nuclear radiation exposure, Nutrition, OTC Antihistamines, OTC Decongestants, OTC inhalers, OTC Nausea/vomiting meds, OTC NSAIDs, OTC Pain meds, Over-the-counter meds, Pain, Peak flow meter, Pink eye, Pleurisy, Potassium Iodide KI, Power supply, Power supply, Pregnancy, Preparation, Prescription Medications, Primatene mist, Public health, Rabies, Radiation - nuclear, Rapid heart rate, Rash, Rheumatoid arthritis, Self-defense, Shelf life, Shortness of breath, Silver sulfadiazine, Singulair, Site Map, Skin, Skin infection, Slide show, Smallpox, Sore mouth or gums, Sore throat, Spiritual health, Sprains, STD, Stockpiling medical supplies, Stockpiling medications, Stomach flu, Stomach problems, Strep throat, Stress, Sudafed-PE - phenylephrine, Sudafed-pseudoephedrine, Swelling, Symptoms, Synthroid, Syphilis, Syphilis, T3 and T4, Tamiflu, Teeth, Thrush, Thyroid, Thyroid cancer, Thyroid disease, Thyroid preparations, Thyroid tests, Tick-borne illness, Toothache, Toothache, Triple antibiotic ointment, TSH, Ulcer, Urinary tract infection, Vaccination, Vicks, Vomiting, Vomiting, Waste disposal, Water, Weight gain, Weight loss, What would you do if . . ., What would you do if . . ., Wheeze, Yeast infection, Zyrtec - cetirizine
Tagged Armageddon, Armageddon Medicine, Health, Medicine, Physician, Survivalism
Armageddon Medicine – filling the gap on the prepper’s bookshelf
Armageddon Medicine – is this training manual for you? Here’s a thoughtful review from Peter Farmer, who holds advanced degrees in research biology and history, and who is also an RN and EMT. * * * Review: Armageddon Medicine: How … Continue reading →
Posted in Abdominal pain, Acetaminophen - Tylenol, Acne, Acne, Acute diseases, Advair, Albuterol-Ventolin-Proventil, Allergic, Allergies, alpha lipoic acid, Anger, Angina, Ankle sprain, Anthrax, Anthrax, Anti-viral meds, Antibacterial topical, Antibiotics, Antidepressants, Anxiety, Anxiety, acute, Armageddon Medicine, Armour thyroid, Arthritis, Aspirin, Asthma, Asthma and COPD, Asthma/COPD, Atrial fibrillation, Bacitracin, Back sprain, Benadryl - diphenhydramine, Bioterrorism, Bites-animal, Bites-insect-bug-tick, Blood pressure meds, Blood tests, Bloody urine, Bonine - meclizine, Books, Bookshelf, Broken bones-see fractures, Bronchitis, Caffeine, Celebrex, Chest pain, Chicken pox, Chlamydia, Chlorhexidine oral rinse, chlorpheniramine, Cholera, Chronic bronchitis, Chronic diseases, Claritin - loratadine, Colloidal silver, Common cold, Congestive heart failure, Constipation, Constipation, Constipation, COPD, COPD see Asthma, Cough, Death and dying, Dehydration, Delivery, Depression, Depression, Diabetes Mellitus Type I, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Diarrhea, Diarrhea, Diclofenac, Difficulty urinating, Disaster Relief, Diseases, Dizziness, Dramamine - meclizine, Dry skin, Ear infection, Earache, Education, Emphysema, Equipment, Exercise-induced, Expired medications, Expired meds, Eye infection, Fatigue, Fever, Field equipment, Fish antibiotics, Flank pain, Fractures, Frequent urination, Gallstones, GERD / Acid reflux, GI-gastrointestinal, Gonorrhea, Grief, Head lice, Heart disease, Heartburn/stomach acid, Herbal and complementary, Herbal medicine, Herpes, High blood pressure, Home birth, HPV, Humira, Hydrogen peroxide, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Ibuprofen, Ibuprofen, Immunization, Influenza, Injuries, Insect-bug-tick bites, Insulin, Kidney stone, Lacerations, Laryngitis, levothyroxine, Lice, Lice treatments, Lidocaine, Lung disease, Lyme disease, Meclizine, Medical archives, Medical Kit, Medical Supplies - see Supplies, Medical testing, Medications, Mental health, Microscope, Microscopic examination, Migraine, Naproxen, Naproxen (Aleve), Nausea, Newborn care, NSAIDs, Nuclear radiation exposure, Nutrition, Omega-3 fatty acid, OTC Antihistamines, OTC Decongestants, OTC inhalers, OTC Nausea/vomiting meds, OTC NSAIDs, OTC Pain meds, Over-the-counter meds, Pain, Peak flow meter, Pink eye, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Potassium Iodide KI, Power supply, Power supply, Pregnancy, Preparation, Prescription Medications, Primatene, Primatene mist, Public health, Rabies, Radiation - nuclear, Rapid heart rate, Rash, Rheumatoid arthritis, Self-defense, Shelf life, Shortness of breath, Singulair, Skin, Skin infection, Slide show, Smallpox, Sore mouth or gums, Sore throat, Spiritual health, Sprains, STD, Stockpiling medical supplies, Stockpiling medications, Stomach flu, Stomach problems, Strep throat, Stress, Sudafed-PE - phenylephrine, Sudafed-pseudoephedrine, Supplies - Medical, Swelling, Syphilis, Syphilis, T3 and T4, Tamiflu, Teeth, Thrush, Thyroid, Thyroid cancer, Thyroid disease, Thyroid preparations, Thyroid tests, Tick-borne illness, Toothache, Toothache, Triple antibiotic ointment, TSH, Ulcer, Urinary tract infection, Vaccination, Veterinary, Vicks, Vomiting, Vomiting, Waste disposal, Water, Weight gain, Weight loss, Wheeze, Wound care, Wrist sprain, Yeast infection, Zyrtec - cetirizine
Tagged Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Hurricane Katrina, James Wesley Rawles, Koelker, Medicine, Mel Tappan, National Health Service Corps, Physician
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Where to purchase professional medical supplies
A reader asks: My wife and I have been prepping for almost a couple of years now. She is a nephrologist and I am a PA though I am no longer practicing except in the stay-at-home-parent capacity. We have discussed … Continue reading →
Posted in Armageddon Medicine, Bookshelf, Diabetes Mellitus Type I, Diabetes Mellitus Type II, Equipment, Medical archives, Medical Supplies - see Supplies, Medical testing, Supplies - Medical
Tagged Dealers-Retailers, First aid kit, Healthcare, Henry Schein, Medical equipment, Suppliers
Buy today: New book by Jim Rawles, editor of SurvivalBlog
Most readers will recognize Jim Rawles as the editor of SurvivalBlog.com. Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 marks the release of his new novel, Survivors, sequel to Patriots. The book is already rated a best-seller, based on pre-sales, but you can help … Continue reading →