About the author

CYNTHIA J KOELKER , MD is a board-certified family physician with nearly thirty years of clinical experience. A member of American Mensa, Dr. Koelker holds degrees in biology, humanities, medicine, and music from M.I.T., Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the University of Akron. She served in the National Health Service Corps to finance her medical education. The author continues to practice medicine in Akron, Ohio where she resides with her family and beloved golden-doodles.

To contact the author, leave a comment in the box below, or email DocCindyatArmageddonMedicinedotnet.

27 Responses to About the author

  1. Mark A says:

    Good afternoon, ma’am. I am one of the coordinators for a homesteaders group in the heart of Missouri’s Ozarks. We would like to send several of our members to training but realized the next 101 class in Bessemer was a bridge to far for us. Would appreciate being added to any email list or notification roster for future classes and we will keep checking back.
    Mark A

    [Thanks, Mark. I’ll come to Missouri if we can organize a class of 30 or so. I’ve emailed you separately about this.]

  2. Constance says:

    Hi Doc,

    A little warning from San Diego… your class will not be full. I know this because of other similar events in this region. There have even been cancellations. BUT, if you come anyway, I will personally book you a hotel, pick you up from the airport, drive you wherever… AND take you and your family to SeaWorld, the world famous San Diego Zoo, the beach at LaJolla Cove, the mountains, whatever you like. My sister was an MD just a bit older than you. I don’t talk much and I won’t be at all offended if all you want is taxi service. PLEASE COME, even if you modify your workshops so you can spend the bulk of your time on vacation. San Diego needs you.

  3. scout59 says:

    Dr. Cindy,

    First, let me thank you for spectacular website that’s ladden with truly useful information. I just registered. My wife is an insulin dependent Diabetic Type 1. We’ve managed to stash a cache of insulin to keep her going through the first phase of the inevitable. I found the password protected article Insulin Recipe. My current password (used for registration) doesn’t work. Is there another password needed and how do I acquire it? I’ve been prepping for a while now and I think I could weather just about anything except watching my wife slip away in a coma.

    One more area to address. My son and I both have AT3 Deficiency. His is very brittle and had caused him some major damage. Is there anything out there that could replace Warfarin, OTC, rat poison? Anything? We both take 10 mg per day. I’m going to try to get my doctor to set me up with a years worth for both of us but if that fails are then any other avenues. From everything I’ve seen it’s pretty much a dead end street.

    I’ll be purchasing your book ASAP after the rent is paid. Count on it.



  4. Dot says:

    Please clarify your intent for mentioning assisted suicide in the description for Workshop 102. Not only is the practice immoral, it is illegal in 46 states. Even a neutral stance is partially a “yes” and so is unacceptable. I could not endure being instructed in how to perform it, I could/would not remain silent in your class, nor would I support you in the first place by signing up and handing over my money.

  5. Maggie Danhakl says:

    Hi Cynthia,

    I hope this finds you well. I represent Healthline Networks, and we were wondering if you could include Healthline’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Center (http://www.healthline.com/health/rheumatoid-arthritis) as a resource on your page: http://armageddonmedicine.net/?p=117

    Healthline provides a very comprehensive overview of Rheumatoid Arthritis as a critical starting point for individuals and/or their loved ones.

    Why you should include Healthline as a resource:

    -Video overview of RA by Dr. Paul Auerbach of Stanford Medicine
    -A free interactive educational tool on RA: http://www.healthline.com/rheumatoid-arthritis/anatomy-animations#1/what-is-rheumatoid-arthritis?
    -Breaking news (ex. http://www.healthline.com/health-news/arthritis-gum-disease-bacteria-worsens-rheumatoid-arthritis-091713) and in-depth, doctor-reviewed content

    For more information about our rigorous editorial process, to view our board of directors and more visit the Healthline about page: http://www.healthline.com/health/about-healthline.

    Please let me know if you are open to adding Healthline’s RA center as a resource. Thank you in advance for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Warm Regards,
    Maggie Danhakl- Assistant Marketing Manager
    p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199

    Healthline Networks, Inc. • Connect to Better Health
    660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 http://www.healthline.com

    • James Miller says:

      Dr. Koelker,

      My wife and I are interested in attending your classes, do you have a schedule for 2014 yet? If not we would be interested in setting up a class in Northeast Ohio. Please email me with your requirements. Thank you


  6. Ron E B says:

    This is a brand new Patriot Protest Song, with emphasis on The Economic Collapse. I made a long version & a shorter version for “air play”. I made this You Tube Wednesday night July24, 2013:
    Mouse Trap by The Whistleblowers
    We are from Florida where the Stand Your Ground law is under attack. This is going viral in Tallahassee and soon the entire State & Country.
    This is original material all copyrighted and written by me. It is fresh off the grill. I’m giving you permission to use this song anyway you choose. My intent is to share & spread the truth. Below is the Cloud link that contains the audio of the short & long version:
    Please give this a listen. It will be worth your time.
    Thank you,
    Ron E B bowm04@yahoo.com
    Navarre, FL

  7. Sarah S says:

    Dear Dr. Cindy,
    I would love to interview you about survival medicine for my blog, readyfortheworst.com.

    Please let me know if you’d be interested, and we can decide what you’d like to share. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Best to you,
    Sarah S

  8. Bruce says:

    Re your article, “What Happens When Government Controls Your Medical Records?” all I have to say is:

    Revelation 13: 16-17.

    [From Doc Cindy: Here are the verses from Revelation 13 from the New King James Version:

    16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[f] the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.]

  9. Cindy says:

    Hi just a question about people who have autoimmune diseases any advice on how to cope with Crohn’s disease, lupus, colitis. What if anything can replace prednisone? What if you need a bowel resection?

    [All good questions. In developing countries, where the population is infested with worms, Crohn’s is rare – seems to affect the immunity somehow. A study was done treating patients with pig whipworms for Crohn’s and they did improve. I’m not sure if you could extract enough steroids from adrenal glands to replace prednisone. A skilled surgeon may be able to do a bowel resection “on the kitchen table” but it would be challenging. – Doc Cindy]

  10. Dawn says:

    Hi Dr. Koelker,

    My password is no longer working. How do I reset it? Thanks for all your phenomenal work!


  11. David N says:

    Great site, I ordered your newest book, Armageddon Medicine, and cannot wait to review it. I have a question I wish you would cover. What about those with chronic infections like otitis media? If it is already antibiotic-resistant what can you do if you are in a “grid down” scenario where normal medical channels are not available?

    [Great question, David. A quick answer is to try a complementary antibiotic, which I discuss at length in the CD “What to do when antibiotics don’t work.” Or for, say, a persistent otitis media, older remedies may work, such as lancing the ear drum (which helps a little like an ear tube). Oral steroids or decongestants sometimes help, to decrease the swelling and allow the infection to drain. Being prepared ahead of time with an assortment of antibiotics is also a good idea (ask your doctor or check out info on fish antibiotics). Sometimes what appears to be infection is actually inflammation or allergy. Occasionally fungal infection is a consideration. Your question could lead to hours of discussion. I hope this quick answer helps. – Doc Cindy]

  12. Tandy C says:

    I just ordered a copy of Armageddon Medicine and requested an autographed copy along with the offer for free CD. Is this a hardbound copy? I wanted to get a hardbound copy and am willing to pay the difference if what I ordered is not a hardbound copy. Can you please confirm and let me know what I need to do? I just ordered so I’m sure it hasn’t been shipped yet. Thank you for making this valuable resource available to us.

  13. Mark L says:

    What a great web site!

    I have been enjoying it, and learning from it, for the past several months.

    I just tried to order a copy of your book “Armageddon Medicine”. I am not sure if the order went through. Could you please confirm? Also, could you please autograph my copy?

    Thanks, Mark

    [Hi Mark – sorry I can’t autograph books ordered directly through the publisher, but I do sign books included in the Armageddon Medicine Resource Kit , and sometimes in other special offers. Thanks for asking. – Doc Cindy]

  14. M. Palumbo says:

    Good evening Dr K. On Survivalblog.com, there have been a few articles written lately on Silver Spoons, the use of colloidal silver. Some opinions state it is OK to swallow it while others say do NOT swallow any. Could you offer your advice on its use for us? I have been thinking of making it but I want to know the risks besides the benefits. Thank you.

    M. Palumbo

  15. Craig says:

    Hi Cindy,

    I have a question. A lot of data sheets I have seen for medicines in tablet form say something along the lines of “Do not halve the tablet. Dose equivalence when the tablet is divided has not been established.”

    How accurate is this statement? Would dividing tablets with this warning be acceptable in a TEOTWAWKI situation?

    Many thanks,

    • Doc Cindy says:

      Good question, and one worthy of a full reply. The short answer – it depends.

      I will post a more complete answer as a full article soon, so keep posted.

  16. Michael says:

    Hello Doctor,

    Thanks for the great articles. Do you know what places sell minor surgery kits?

  17. M. Palumbo says:

    Good evening Dr. Koelker. You have posted a few articles on obtaining prescriptions from our physicians for prepping purposes. If obtained, does storing them in the freezer (at least until there is no electricity), prolong life expectancy of the drug?

    • Though I can find few published studies on the topic, there is at least some evidence that freezing actually decreases the shelf life of certain drugs. Every medication has optimal storage temperature printed on the label, usually in the “room temperature” range. A few list lower temperatures and some refrigerator-level temps. I’ve had readers from tropical countries write to say they need to keep their medications refrigerated in their hot, humid environments.

      For any specific drug you may be able to contact the manufacturer for an unpublished study. It does make most sense, however, that stability would be optimized for room temperature conditions, with typical levels of humidity.

  18. Ranger Man says:

    Wonderful site! Getting reliable, credible medical information from a survival/preppers perspective has been much needed. I’ll be sure to mention you on my site, http://www.SHTFblog.com. I think readers will also find your site valuable. Keep up the good work.


  19. Lorne V says:

    I was reading your article about antibiotics on SurvivalBlog and found it very informative and to the point. Again thank you for a very informative and useful article.

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