Colloidal Silver – Free Download

The question of colloidal silver continues to pique the interest of those worried about treating infection post-Armageddon.

Prof.  Ronald J. Gibbs has an interesting web site on silver colloids, featuring a free download of a 40-page booklet.

He appears to be quite well-informed.  Download his free pdf booklet at:

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About Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

CYNTHIA J KOELKER , MD is a board-certified family physician with over twenty years of clinical experience. A member of American Mensa, Dr. Koelker holds degrees in biology, humanities, medicine, and music from M.I.T., Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the University of Akron. She served in the National Health Service Corps to finance her medical education.
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8 Responses to Colloidal Silver – Free Download

  1. pa4ortho says:

    Great summary article that demonstrates how and why silver ingested has absolutely no clinical efficacy…. unless you really want to be a smurf…. Ingested Silver salts bound tightly to sulfur are not antimicrobial except in the gut where it kills normal flora indiscriminately.
    Agree with Doc Cindy topical use and possibly to include nebulized inhaled has a role.
    I have seen a 2 blue patients in my office for other complaints, its irreversible.
    This is yet another medical Fad powered by a huge alternative medicine industry that seeks to profit form the medically and scientifically illiterate using scare tactics. Not the sort of thing to blow off maintaining a supply of antibiotics for.

    —hat tip to Reasonable Rascal over at Remote, Austere,Wilderness And Third World Medicine

  2. John H says:

    I have found that there are healing qualities to the silver I am making. I have been able to cure dogs with parvo. Low voltage (6-9 VDC) and very low current (microamps) for five hours. The water is sweet tasting. Distilled water is a must or the current runs too high. I have not had mine tested but have read that this method produces 5-10 ppm.

    [Note: That would be ionic silver, not colloidal silver.]

  3. SM79 says:

    So, the real question for those who brew their own is: does “ionic” silver work?

  4. Josh says:

    Forgot to add that – as of last I have heard, you can only produce Ionic Silver at home. True Colloidal Silver cannot be made with those home generators.

  5. Josh says:

    Though these studies are not internal I don’t believe, (I am not a doctor) they are promising/interesting.

  6. Josh says:

    Interesting you post this link now, are we changing our tune on Colloidal Silver? I gave you a link to this site this link on Oct 15, 2010 in response to your CS article #1. You seem to slant anti-CS in both those articles. By posting this pdf link can we assume you are changing your opinion of CS? Not trying to bash you, I’m just curious why you post this pdf all the sudden?

    • Doc Cindy says:

      Thank you, Josh, for the reminder. I still find no scientific studies showing benefit of taking colloidal silver internally, but there is evidence for safety and efficacy for topical use. (And I continue to educate myself.)

      I mainly posted the link because I keep getting questions about the home manufacture of colloidal silver, and see offers on the internet for ways of (theoretically) producing your own at home. It’s clearly more complex than running a current through an old quarter.

      According to Dr. Gibbs, who seems to know more on the subject than I do, home colloidal silver generators do not work (see

      To quote from his web site:
      “Are machines available that can make ‘true colloids’ at home? No. All colloidal silver generators on the market produce ionic silver. There is no equipment for sale by any manufacturer that will produce ‘true colloidal silver’ consisting of mostly silver nanoparticles.”

      Does anyone know if this situation has changed?

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