Tag Archives: Shelf Life Extension Program

Expired Medications – Part 3: General Principles

The following article was originally published at www.survivalblog.com. * * * In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, I reviewed the available information regarding expiration dates of specific medications, primarily antibiotics and antiviral drugs, as tested in the … Continue reading

Posted in Expired medications, Medical archives, Medications, Perennial Favorites, Preparation, Prescription Medications, Shelf life, Stockpiling medical supplies, Stockpiling medications | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Expired Medications – Are They Safe? Are They Effective? – Part 2

  The following post, originally published at SurvivalBlog.com, includes a few minor corrections and additions regarding bioavailability of  generic medications.  * * *  Expired medications – are they safe?  Are they effective? In Part I of this series, I explained the definition of … Continue reading

Posted in Antibiotics, Expired medications, Expired meds, Medical archives, Medications, Perennial Favorites, Preparation, Prescription Medications, Shelf life, Stockpiling medical supplies, Stockpiling medications | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Is it safe to stockpile influenza medication?

 Here’s one good thing that came from the H1N1 epidemic . . .   Image via Wikipedia With the 2009 H1N1 influenza scare, the FDA issued  an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for two antiviral treatments, Tamiflu and Relenza.  Although as of 6/23/2010 … Continue reading

Posted in Acute diseases, Anti-viral meds, Influenza, Medical archives, Prescription Medications, Shelf life, Stockpiling medications, Tamiflu | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment