I thoroughly enjoyed the Clinical Skills Workshop this past weekend, especially meeting every participant in person. I only wish we’d had more time to get to know each other better – the schedule was so full there just wasn’t enough time for much socializing. Now that the workshop is over I’m catching up on my work, though my truck is still full of arms, legs, and ace wraps.
It was great seeing the students’ confidence grow as they learned to suture, cast, and perform a variety of clinical skills. Chuck was kind enough to send along the pictures that are shared here. One smart thing he did was take photos of the equipment we used, all the better to order at a later date.
I had hoped to videotape the class for those who could not attend, but at least this time around that did not work out – maybe next time.
It was especially heartening to see the quality of clinical skills demonstrated by attendees. In medical school it was “see one, do one, teach one,” and from how quickly everyone picked things up, it appears many could have been doctors. Everyone seemed eager to participate with very little squeamishness (at least until it came to removing toenails).
I appreciate the feedback from attendees and plan to incorporate many of the suggestions into the next workshop, tentatively planned for June 21-23, 2012 . . . after tax day, after my daughter’s birthday, after my niece’s wedding, and after my son’s graduation.
– Doc Cindy
I have had the opportunity to teach a similar class for onpoint tactical a few times and one a little more off grid for a tactical group in Texas. Some have included live pigs with ketamine anesthesia, chest tubes, surgical airways and the like. By far, the most useful and practical skills have been the suturing and casting and all the questions brought to a class. Three days is never enough and I applaude the class, it is an absolute pleasure to teach, very necessary and many are skills my homesteading grandparents already had. It is a time-consuming project, and would be so cost prohibitive for someone to afford the intimate teaching provided in this kind of class that the instructor is alway doing for passion, not money. Keep the classes coming and i would enjoy coming as well.
[Thank you, JJ. I hope you are able to come. We’ve had physicians, pharmacists, nurses, EMTs, dentists, moms, dads, teens and many others come, all of whom have benefitted from the classes. – Doc Cindy]
Hi Dr. Cindy and thanks again for the 3-day seminar on Armageddon Medicine you did in Akron OH recently. I posted my thanks as well on SurvivalBlog. The classes surpassed my expectations and is worthwhile for anyone serious in receiving training for an “Armageddon” scenario.
Mendy P.
Do you offer CME credits with your Clinical Skills Course?
[Sorry, no, I’m staying a bit “under the radar.” – Doc Cindy]
It definitely is a class me and my husband want to take. I am an RN with 25 years experience in the operating room at a level I trauma center hospital,. We are also preppers. We were unable to take your last class because of a previously scheduled class on combat trauma medicine during that time which we had already paid for and had waited to take for 3 years. The dates you gave for your next class were a great disappointment to us as we have a previous commitment for June 13th through June 23 that we are unable to get out of. Most other times would have worked. I so hope we don’t have any conflicts for when you schedule a third class. We are so looking forward to attending one of your classes and hopefully the sooner the better.
I’m an RN and will be the one in our circle of prepping friends to handle the medical aspects. I have only worked in an orthopaedic surgeon’s office, not in an ER setting. How can I sign up for the next Clinical Skills Workshop?
[It’s set for June, with details at http://armageddonmedicine.net/?p=6218. It would be great if you could come. The RNs who attended the last workshop seemed to enjoy it quite a bit and to learn a lot. Perhaps I’ll see you soon. – Doc Cindy]