Photo Quiz Question – Q.005 – September 08, 2011
65-year-old white female who consults you regarding her legs.
What does the above image depict? Does it hurt? Why is one leg affected more than the other? Can you do anything to help her? Is there a cure?
To be honest, submit your response in the box below before turning to the answer.
The answer will be posted September 15, 2011, after input from our readers.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia, author Bobjgalindo
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It looks like cellulitis and would be curable with antibiotics
Appears to be chronic dependent edema, secondary to severe varicosities of lower extremities. May also be associated with right heart failure of a chronic nature. Relatively painless, should respond to elevation and compression therapy. If right heart failure, digitalis and diuretics.
Condition appears to be elaphantitis, a parasitic infection causing a partial block to a portion of the lymphatic sytem, affected more one side than the other. drugs-pharmaceuticals and natural meds for this condition. Yes, some pain experienced.