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How to treat resistant infections
Current offer: How to treat resistant infections
- Pneumonia – what if you don’t get well?
- Urinary infection – could it be something else?
- Skin infection – what if it’s MRSA?
(Offers update regularly, so check back often!)
I am delighted to find this enormously useful site. Initially I was searching for some medicines for myself, as I have no insurance, so I am very pleased
Thank you for helping those of us that have no medical background. My dad contacted MRSA this year and we have had a very difficult time. They have used many different antibiotics, at this moment he is symptom free. The medical profession is not always full of information. It makes things much more difficult. I would also appreciate any information you could offer on how to deal with family that is having mental disorders. At this time we are waiting to get the information back on brain scan. Intelligence is still present, however confusion has set in. This creates many difficult situations.
[You’re exactly right about how difficult it can be to extract information from the health care system – even for a doctor. The main problem is the time element and secondly compassion. Years ago I came across the term “compassion fatigue” and it fits the situation exactly. Many medical caregivers are too stressed out themselves to give what others need. The best answer for compassion fatigue is to slow down, take more time, and see fewer patients – but that is exactly the opposite of what drives today’s health care system. Maybe doctors should learn to “just say no” to administrative and insurance demands, and also settle for a lesser income as well. – Doc Cindy]
Thank you so much for all you do.
[These notes of appreciation help me know the site is appreciated. Thank you as well. – Doc Cindy]