Free Antibiotic Indication and Dosing Guide

Antibiotic Indications and Dose

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4 Responses to Antibiotic Indications and Dose

  1. pa4ortho says:

    When food is less preserved without refrigeration and hygine is poor, food borne illness becomes prevelant,
    taking immodium without ABO can create more problems with bacteria overgrowth in a slowed gut.
    If pepto does not work and immodium is required to stay functional or avoid dehydration,
    1st line is Cipro 500mg BID x 3 days, if that fails then Metronidazole 500mg TID x 3 days for severe loose stools.

  2. Linda H. says:

    This information is critical for the those who are desiring to be prepared for any emergency as well as one that brings on societal breakdowns.

  3. Sally says:

    And what to do when antibiotics aren’t available? That would be helpful too.

    [We do talk about this in my Survival Medicine classes. – Doc Cindy]

  4. Ilene says:

    Thank you for this, I printed it out and put it in my bin of many things for just in case. Very useful and I am very impressed with the wealth of information you gave in the webinar. This will hopefully never be needed but if so it will be a valuable thing to have.

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